What should i do when the WiFi signal on my router shows an exclamation mark?


The internet has become an essential part of our work and lives. When using a router, suddenly not being able to connect to the internet and seeing an exclamation mark on the connection icon can cause anxiety and confusion. Below are some common reasons and solutions that can be used to troubleshoot such problems and restore your network connection.

Total Time: 5 minutes

Supply & Tools:

  • Router
  • Mobile phone or computer

Reasons for the exclamation mark appears

When the router has an exclamation mark on the connection icon, it usually means the router cannot connect to the internet or the connection quality is poor. This problem is usually caused by the following reasons:

  • Network failure: Sometimes, the internet service provider may experience network failures, causing the router to be unable to connect to the internet.
  • Router setting errors: If you recently changed the router settings, it may cause the router to be unable to connect to the internet.
  • Signal interference: If you are using a wireless router and there are other wireless devices or interference sources nearby, it may cause the router to be unable to connect to the internet.
  • Device issues: Sometimes, router hardware failures or firmware issues may cause the router to be unable to connect to the internet.


If the router cannot connect to the internet, you can try the following solutions:

1.Restart the router: You can unplug the router and wait a few seconds before plugging it back in or press the reset button on the router to restart it. This can solve many temporary network connection problems.(Click to view:How to properly reboot my router?

2.Check the router settings: Log in to the router's admin interface to check the router's settings to ensure it is correctly configured, including IP addresses, DNS servers, and other network settings. Here, it is particularly important to note that the IP address segment should be set between and you 'd better not allocate multiple computers the same IP, as this can cause IP conflicts and prevent internet access.(Click to view:How to set up a router to access the Internet

3.Check the network connection: Check the physical connections of the router to ensure that all network cables are correctly connected to the router's ports, with the broadband cable connected to the WAN port and the router's LAN port connected to the computer or other device.(Click to view:How to connect the router and broadband?

4.Reduce signal interference: If you are using a wireless router, try placing the router in a location further away from other wireless devices or interference sources, or change the wireless channel.

5.Update firmware: Check for available firmware updates and update it to ensure it is running properly and is compatible with new network technologies.

If you still encounter connection problems, try contacting your internet service provider or router manufacturer for further technical support. They will be able to help you diagnose and solve the problem and ensure your network is running smoothly.


In short, if you encounter connection problems, do not panic. With the above methods, you can better solve router connection problems and restore your network connection. Let's maintain good internet habits and enjoy faster and smoother network services together.

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