All-in-One Solution: Reasons and Fixes for Mobile Phones and/or Computers Unable to Detect WiFi Signals


Have you ever found yourself ready to catch up on the latest social media or tackle urgent online tasks, only to discover that your phone or computer won't pick up a WiFi signal? This is a common and frustrating problem, but fortunately, we can solve it with some simple steps. Let's dive into the typical reasons for this issue and explore practical solutions to prevent future occurrences.

Mobile Phone Cannot Detect WiFi, But Computer Can

Possible Causes and Solutions

1. Mobile Hardware/Software Issues

Description: The mobile's wireless adapter may be damaged, or software settings prevent connection.

Solution Steps:

  1. Reboot your phone to fix temporary software issues.
  2. Check if the phone has flight mode or power-saving mode enabled, and if so, disable them.
  3. Update the operating system and applications to ensure they are the latest version, to resolve software conflicts.
  4. If hardware issues are suspected, consider seeking a professional diagnosis.

2. Incompatible WiFi Bands

Description: Some older phones may not support the 5GHz WiFi band of newer routers.

Solution Steps:

  1. Check the WiFi bands supported by your phone (usually found in device specifications).
  2. Adjust the router settings to ensure the 2.4GHz band is enabled.
  3. Rescan and reconnect to the WiFi network.

3. WiFi Configuration Issues

Description: The phone's WiFi settings may be misconfigured, or previous network connections affect the current connection.

Solution Steps:

  1. In the phone's WiFi settings, choose to "forget" all saved networks.
  2. Restart the phone and try to reconnect to WiFi.

Scenario 1

Computer Cannot Detect WiFi, But Mobile Can

Possible Causes and Solutions

1. Computer Hardware/Driver Issues

Description: Your computer's wireless card might be faulty or the driver is outdated.

Solution Steps:

  1. Check the status of the wireless card in Device Manager.
  2. Update or reinstall the driver for the wireless card.
  3. Test with an external USB wireless adapter if you suspect hardware issues.

2. OS Setting Problems

Description: Incorrect network settings or inactive services could be the culprit.

Solution Steps:

  1. Run the network troubleshooting tool.
  2. Check network connection settings to ensure they are correctly configured.
  3. Confirm that related network services (like WLAN AutoConfig) are running.

3. WiFi Signal Interference

Description: Your computer's location might be hindering the WiFi signal.

Solution Steps:

  1. Move the computer closer to the router to minimize barriers and interference.
  2. Consider switching your router's channel for better connectivity. Click to see: How to change the router's WiFi channel?

Scenario 2

Neither Mobile Phone nor Computer Detects WiFi

Possible Causes and Solutions

1. Router Malfunctions or Configuration Issues

Description: The router may not be correctly turned on or is intentionally set to hide SSID (i.e., network name) or MAC address filtering to prevent unauthorized access.

Solution Steps:

  1. Confirm that the router's power is on and check the indicator lights.
  2. Restart the router.
  3. Login to the router management interface, ensure SSID broadcasting is on, and your MAC address isn't blocked. Click to see: How to hide WiFi signals?

2. WiFi Signal Issues

Description: Poor router placement or interference could weaken the signal.

Solution Steps:

  1. Relocate the router to a central, unobstructed area.
  2. Experiment with different router channels.

3. Issues with Network Service Provider

Description: The issue might stem from a disruption in your ISP's service.

Solution Steps:

  1. Contact your ISP to verify service status.
  2. Check for any announcements about service interruptions.

Scenario 3


These detailed steps can help anyone, novice or expert, tackle WiFi detection issues. If these don't resolve your problem, consider seeking professional tech support.

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