What is the difference between single-band router, dual-band router, and tri-band router?

What is the difference between single-band router, dual-band router, and tri-band router?


As we know, WiFi routers provide Internet over specific radio frequencies or bands. So, we must check the band among many parameters when purchasing a router. At present, there are single-band routers, dual-band routers, and triple-band routers on the market. What's the difference between them? This article will answer your question about router's band.

What is a single-band router?

A single-band router means that the router only works in 2.4GHz mode. 2.4G is the frequency band commonly used by wireless routers. Its signal frequency is low, and the signal attenuation is small when it transmits far in the air or obstacles. However, due to the small transmission bandwidth of 2.4G, its frequency band is easy to overlap with other family electronic devices, causing serious interference. Thereby resulting in high delay and slow network speed. This is also why places with more 2.4G WiFi signals have slower speeds and higher game delays. Although you can improve it by changing the channel number, there are only 3 frequency bands that do not interfere with each other in the 2.4G band, 5G band has 22.

single-band router

What is a dual-band router?

As the name suggests, a dual-band router can work on two channels: 2.4GHz and 5GHz. The 5G signal has a wider bandwidth and a higher frequency, which can provide higher rates and less channel interference, so the 5G network speed is relatively stable. However, it attenuates greatly when it transmits in the air and obstacles, and its coverage area is generally smaller than that of 2.4G. If you are using a dual-band router, you can see 2 WiFi switches on the router's settings interface, and typically they are turned on.

dual-band router

What is a tri-band router?

A tri-band router still refers to a router that supports 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, but it divides the 5GHz band into two. That is to say, the tri-band includes one 2.4GHz plus two 5GHz bands. The advantage of using a tri-band is to further reduce interference, thereby improving transmission speed and stability. For example, when watching movies on TV and playing games on the computer simultaneously, the tri-band router can automatically assign different 5GHz bands to the TV and computer. Therefore, tri-band is essentially dual-band.

tri-band router

What is the difference between 2.4G WiFi and 5G WiFi?

WiFi 2.4GHz 5GHz
Band 2.4GHz~2.4835GHz 5.150GHz~5.350GHz and 5.725GHz~5.850GHz
Bandwidth Standard is 20MHz, 40MHz at most Standard is 20MHz, up to 40/80MHz or more
Rate Up to 600MBit/s (802.11n,4×4 MIMO,40MHz) Up to 1733Mbit/s (802.11ac,4×4 MIMO,80MHz)
Speed 450Mbps-600Mbps 1300Mbps
Coverage 20 meters 15 meters or less
Anti-interference Weak No interference
Wireless Penetration Strong Average
Supported Router All routers Routers that support the 5GHz band

From above, we know that 2.4G can provide strong penetration and wide coverage, but more interference; the 5G band has less interference and a fast transmission rate, but its penetration is weak. They have their own advantages.

wifi vs

Should I buy a dual-band router or a tri-band router?

Compared with dual-band routers, triple-band routers increased the capacity of terminal devices. That is to say, triple-band routers support more simultaneous connections. But, if you just use the network to chat online, play games, and watch videos, a dual-band router is enough for most families, unless you have enough budget. Tri-band routers are usually used in enterprises because they can provide stable internet to many different people. In short, you should choose a router according to the application scenario.

choose router

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