What are the use types of IP addresses?

public usage type

In the Internet age, surfing the Internet is almost a thing we must do every day, but for most ordinary netizens, they only know that surfing the Internet is a connection between two devices. They don't know the real connection is actually two IP addresses, because the IP address is a string of digital symbols, and its connection process is hidden behind the screen, we can't see or need to see it.

IP addresses are widely used in our lives, and their uses generally can be classified as the following types:

COM (COM) Commercial, e.g. IP, it is an IP address used by a company in Dearborn, Michigan, USA, and the ISP is Ford Motor Company. Click the link to view the geographic location information and administrator information.

ORG (ORG) Organization, e.g. IP, it is an IP address used by an organization in Rome, Lazio, Italy, the ISP is the United Nation World Food Programme. Click the link to view the geographic location information and administrator information.

GOV (GOV) Government, e.g. IP, it is an IP address used by a government body in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, the ISP is Shared Services Canada. Click the link to view the geographic location information and administrator information.

MIL (MIL) Military, e.g. IP, it is a military IP address in Columbus, Ohio, USA, the ISP is DoD Network Information Center. Click the link to view the geographic location information and administrator information.

EDU (EDU) Education, e.g. IP, it is an IP address of a school in Freiburg, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany, the ISP is Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg. Click the link to view the geographic location information and administrator information.

LIB (LIB) Library, e.g. IP, it is an IP address of a library in Shanghai, China, the ISP is Shanghai library. Click the link to view the geographic location information and administrator information.

CDN (CDN) CDN, e.g. IP, It is an IP address of CDN(content delivery networks)in Madrid, Spain, the ISP is Akamai Technologies, Inc.. Click the link to view the geographic location information and administrator information.

ISP (ISP) Fixed Line ISP, e.g. IP, it is an IP address of a fixed line ISP, the ISP is China TieTong Telecommunications Corporation. Click the link to view the geographic location information and administrator information.

MOB (MOB) Mobile ISP, e.g. IP, it is a mobile phone IP address in Cupertino, California, USA, the ISP is AT&T Corp. Click the link to view the geographic location information and administrator information.

DCH (DCH) DCH, e.g. IP, it is a DCH IP address in Tokyo, Japan, the ISP is Japan Network Information Center. Click the link to view the geographic location information and administrator information.

SES (SES) Web Crawler, e.g. IP, it is a search engine spider IP address in Mountain View, California, USA, the ISP is Google LLC. Click the link to view the geographic location information and administrator information.

RSV (RSV) Reserved, e.g. IP, it is a reserved IP address only used for test and cannot connect with public network IP addresses. Click the link to view the geographic location information and administrator information.

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