How to use an online free proxy server?

Public Proxy

A proxy server is a server that provides transfer function on the Internet. For example, if you want to visit a website, but you can't access it for some reason, or you don't want to visit it directly, then you can use a proxy server. Enter the target website URL in the browser address bar, the browser will automatically access the proxy server first, and then the proxy server will automatically redirect you to your target website. This can help you access the website and hide your IP address because the IP address left in the target website’s access log is proxy server’s.

Looking up a free proxy server on search engines (e.g. Google/Bing), there will be different free proxy servers displayed which do not require you to pay monthly or annual fees, and a guideline is generally attached. You can select a well-reputed to download and configure. The following is a guideline about Clash for Windows, which is popular and free in the proxy server market.

The total time required: 30 Minutes

Tool used:

  • Computer with Windows
  • Clash for Windows

Download and install Clash for Windows

① Click here to download Clash for Windows.

② Unzip the downloaded zip file to any folder on any disk.

Configure Clash for Windows

① Open Clash for Windows, the main interface is as shown in the figure: Open Clash for Windows

② Click "Profiles", enter your subscribed address of Clash in the upper address bar, and then click "Download". If all goes well, you will see a green "Success" on the screen. After successfully downloading, click the corresponding profile to load it. Clash for Windows Input URL

Note: the free subscribed address of Clash needs to be found by yourself, and because of free, some line's network speed may not be stable enough.

③ Click "Proxies" and then click "Rule" to see many lines. Click the wireless icon to view each line's network delay, etc. Select your line and click it. Clash for Windows Rule

④ Finally, click "General", then click "System Proxy" to open it, so that you can access websites by the proxy server. Clash for Windows System Proxy


  • If you cannot access the Internet after configuration, check whether other proxies are in normal use, and then restart Clash for Windows after closing it.
  • If all lines time out, check whether the WIN system time is synchronized.

Finally, It's a reminder that you may find that some free proxy servers cannot be used after a period of use. This is because free proxies have strong timeliness, insufficient stability and poor security. Some free proxy servers will be forced to shut down after running for a while. At this time, you’ll be required to seek a new free proxy server, so it is best to directly choose a paid proxy server for use.

Special Note: This article is only used to guide the search for study resources and business information, please do not use proxy IP to access illegal websites.

More article:

How to use an online paid proxy server?

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