How to Fix WiFi Connection Issues Despite Correct Password?


In our highly interconnected era, WiFi is an essential aspect of daily life, pivotal for work, learning, and socializing. Experiencing connection issues, even with the correct WiFi password, can be highly frustrating and disruptive. This situation not only hampers productivity but also leads to feelings of frustration and helplessness.

So, what causes this inability to connect despite entering the correct password? This article aims to address the usual suspects behind this common issue and offers specific solutions to swiftly resolve them and enhance your online experience.

Weak Signal or Interference

Description: If the WiFi signal is too weak or interfered with by other electronic devices, it may lead to an unstable connection. Factors such as being far from the router, obstruction by walls, nearby networks, or electronic devices (e.g., microwave ovens, Bluetooth devices) can cause signal issues.


  • Get Closer to the Router: Move your device nearer to the router to minimize physical barriers.
  • Minimize Interference: Shut off or keep away from devices that might disrupt your WiFi, like microwaves or cordless phones.
  • Enhance the Signal: Consider installing a WiFi repeater or upgrading to a more powerful router. Click to view: How to extend the WiFi signal range of a router?

Weak Signal

Router Issues

Description: The router may malfunction due to hardware damage, software faults, outdated firmware, or incorrect configuration settings. This can result in an inability to establish or maintain a stable network connection.


  • Restart the Router: Power off and restart the router to reset the network connection and the router's internal settings. Click to view: How to properly reboot a router?
  • Update Firmware: Log in to the router's management page, check, and update to the latest firmware version.
  • Reset Settings: Use the reset button on the back of the router to restore factory settings, then reconfigure network settings.

Device Connection Cap

Description: Routers sometimes limit the number of connectable devices. When the limit is reached, new devices cannot connect even with the correct password.


  • Check Settings: Log into the router's management interface, find if there is a limit on the number of devices, and adjust or increase the number of devices allowed to connect.
  • Disconnect Unnecessary Devices: Free up router space by disconnecting unused devices, allowing new devices to connect.

Connection Limit

IP Address Conflict

Description: IP address conflicts typically occur when two or more devices in a network are assigned the same IP address. Each device's identity on the network is recognized by its IP address, so when two devices have the same IP address, it leads to network confusion and hinders these devices from accessing the network normally. This situation might be caused by incorrect network settings or devices statically assigned an IP address that has been dynamically assigned to other devices.


  • Reboot Devices and Router: Reboot all devices and the router to clear and reassign IP addresses.
  • Set Static IPs: If the issue persists after a reboot, consider manually setting a static IP address for the device to prevent conflicts. General steps as follows:
    On Computers: Enter the network connection you want to modify → Go to properties settings → Find the option named "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" or similar → Select "Use the following IP address" → Enter a new IP address, along with the subnet mask (usually and default gateway (router's IP address).
    On Mobiles/Tablets: Go to WLAN → Tap the information icon (a small circle with an 'i' inside) next to the WiFi network you want to connect → Configure IP → Enter the static IP address, gateway, subnet mask, and DNS information you want to set.

MAC Address Filtering

Description: To enhance security, some routers use MAC address filtering, allowing only devices with specific MAC addresses to connect. If a device's MAC address is not on the allowed list, it cannot connect to the network even with the correct password.


  • Check and edit the filtering list: Log into the router's management interface, review the MAC address filtering settings, add your device's MAC address to the allowed list, or turn off the MAC address filtering feature.

MAC Address Filtering

Software or Driver Issues

Description: The network adapter driver of the connecting device might be malfunctioning or outdated, affecting the device's ability to recognize and connect to the WiFi network.


  • Update drivers: Visit the device manufacturer's official website, download, and install the latest network adapter driver.
  • Reinstall driver: Uninstall the network adapter driver in the device manager of the device, then restart the device to automatically install the driver.

Incompatible Network Security Settings

Description: The security protocols (such as WEP, WPA, WPA2) of the router may be incompatible with the device trying to connect. For example, some older devices may not support newer security standards like WPA3.


  • Update device: Ensure the device supports current WiFi security protocols (like WPA2 or WPA3).
  • Adjust router settings: If the device is older and cannot be updated to support newer security protocols, try changing the router's security settings to use older but compatible security standards.


In short, when you encounter the problem of a correct WiFi password but unable to connect, remember these common reasons and solutions. In most cases, this issue can be resolved with some basic troubleshooting steps. Keep patient, follow the guide step by step, and you will soon be back to a smooth online life. If the problem persists, do not hesitate to seek professional help.

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