IPv6 - ::ffff: Location

IPv6 - ::ffff: is Reserved IP.

🌐 IPv4 Location

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Usage Type  ?  : ()
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Internet Speed

Internet Speed | ipshu.com 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 4G - Download(Mb/s): 28.15 5G - Download(Mb/s): 263.4 Broadband - Download(Mb/s): 137.28 4G - Upload(Mb/s): 16.25 5G - Upload(Mb/s): 43.4 Broadband - Upload(Mb/s): 56.23 4G 5G Broadband Upload(Mb/s) Upload Download(Mb/s) Download

🌐 More Information

Reserved IPs are specially assigned IP addresses. In the Internet addressing structure, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) have reserved various Internet Protocol (IP) addresses for special purposes. For example, is used for broadcast, local communication, loopback address, multicast address, IPv4 mapping, private use etc.

Desktop vs Mobile vs Tablet Market Share

Desktop vs Mobile vs Tablet Market Share | ipshu.com Tablet: 2.91% Desktop: 42.63% Mobile: 54.46% Tablet: 2.91% TabletTablet: 2.91% Desktop: 42.63% DesktopDesktop: 42.63% Mobile: 54.46% MobileMobile: 54.46%

🌐 IPv6 Location

IP Address: ::ffff:
IP Number: 281470698588029
Continent: -
Country: -
Country: -
Region: -
City: -
City Latitude: 0
City Longitude: 0
City Elevation: 0
ZIP Code: -
Time Zone: -

🌐 IPv6 More Information

Internet Service Provider: IPv4Map
Domain: -
Network Speed: - (-)
IDD Prefix: -
Area Code: -
Mobile Country Code: -
Mobile Network Code: -
Mobile Brand: -
Usage Type: RSV (Reserved) 🈯
Weather Station Code: -
Weather Station Name: -
Query Time: 0.35 ms
